

  “I said. The.. you not to embarrass driver, I gave him the money is, what words is to ask me!(我说...你不要为难司机了,钱是我给他的,有什么话就来问我吧!)”我不悦的摘下墨镜狐疑的仰视着金发男子的侧脸,他真的好高啊!

  闻声的金发男子停下动作转过身再看向我然后又走到我的面前隔着墨镜俯视着看我的眼睛说:“Angie miss, Im Moore, flew to pick up is you.(安琪小姐,我是莫尔,是专程接您的。)”

  “I knew dad must be to stop me, I don't need your help, you right away from my eyes go away!(我就知道爸爸肯定要阻止我的,我不需要你的帮助,你马上从我的眼前消失!)”我就知道是他,真的想不明白养父母就真这么害怕我来到中国吗?更想不明白的是这个莫尔嘴上说是接我,那为什么不在机场而是在...咖啡屋!


  莫尔也随着走了进来沉静的说:“Miss, today at noon here by the robber looting, where it is female boss in the public security bureau in for a written record.(小姐,今天中午这里遭到强盗洗劫,这里的女老板现在还在公安局里进行笔录。)”

  “You have to take off sunglasses, looking at my eyes, you tell the truth is not your directed? You want me to leave China, and so don't have to mean the means to force me!......


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