
  女人转过头“Oh, Bai Xi back, your daddy in the study, by the way, will your dad shouted down, ready to eat (哦,白熙回来了,你爹地在书房,顺便将你爹地喊下来吧,准备开饭了)”



  “Please come in(请进)”白熙推开门对着正处理文件的尹盛杰说道“Daddy, go downstairs and h**e a meal, in addition, I h**e something to discuss with you (爹地,下楼吃完饭了,另外,我有事情要与您商议)”

  尼娜为尹盛杰盛了一碗汤递给尹盛杰,尹盛杰看着白熙问道“Is there anything want to discuss with daddy?(有什么事要和爹地商量?)”

  白熙看着尹盛杰慢慢开口“Daddy, perhaps, you will agree with me to le**e the United States?(爹地,或许,你会同意我离开美国吗?)”

  尹盛杰徐徐开口道“Go abroad? Will go to China is tr**el or your mother home (出国吗?是旅游还是要去中国你妈妈家)”

  白熙拿出名片“Are not (都不是)”,将名片推到尹盛杰面前“Today school 3 graduation party, I met a scout, is South Korea SM company's agent, to know if I would do a trainee, daddy, you know, since I was young, I like ......


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